Your face can be in Max Payne 3 multiplayer

Sure, you may be excited for Max Payne 3, but how would you like to be in Max Payne 3? Well, Rockstar Games is offering its Twitter followers that chance: Each week from now until January 13, 2012, Rockstar will be picking ten random followers using the #MaxPayne3 hashtag for consideration to have their faces in Max Payne 3's multiplayer. Those who have been picked will be messaged by Rockstar for an image of themselves.

From there, two finalists from each week (eight total) will be chosen to have their "likenesses" showcased as one of the eight gang members in Max Payne 3 multiplayer. Remember, just be sure to keep tabs on your "@replies" and direct messages.

Visit the official casting page for more detailed info, and good luck to all participants.