Battlefield 2143 to come out of DICE next?

It's slow today. So slow, in fact, that so far the biggest piece of "news" comes in the form of an Easter egg found in Battlefield 3's "Back to Karkand" expansion pack. 

Users have found that the number "2143" is on the side of one of the many concrete blocks scattered throughout "Wake Island," indicating that the next game, or even expansion, to come out of DICE will be a sequel to its futuristic shooter, Battlefield 2142. While at first you may think this doesn't hold any weight, Battlefield 2's "Euro Forces" and "Armored Fury" map packs back in 2006 teased the number "2142," which, of course, led to Battlefield 2142's release.

With "Back to Karkand" being a themed-expansion pack built off of Battlefield 2 maps, it's a bit more plausible that, if there is a 2143, it may very well be another kind of expansion, akin to Bad Company 2's "Vietnam" last year. Remember, DICE did say that expansions are the way to go.