"Back to Karkand" out this Tuesday on PS3, Dec. 13 on Xbox 360 and PC

Battlefield 3's "Back to Karkand" expansion pack has finally been given a release date: December 6, for PlayStation 3 owners, that is. As noted earlier in the year, the Sony console gets every piece of Battlefield 3 downloadable content a week early, so the Xbox 360 and PC won't see the add-on until the following Tuesday, December 13. "Limited Edition" owners get the pack for free, while everyone else needs to shell out $15.

In addition to the four remastered Battlefield 2 maps, new weapons and vehicles, "Back to Karkand" adds 'Assignments,' a series of challenges that, when completed, unlocks a new weapon from the add-on for use throughout the entire multiplayer experience. It's should also be mentioned that the maps in "Karkand" will also be featured in the regular map rotation, unlike Bad Company 2 Vietnam, which had its own menu in Bad Company 2.