Mathematically speaking, Battlefield 3 has 400 hours of unlocks

When asked how long it would take to complete a kit's unlocks in Battlefield 3, DICE's Alan Kertz replied, "If you unlock every weapon,  every gadget, and every unlock for every weapon...something like 100 hours."

So, given that there are four kits in Battlefield 3, we're potentially talking roughly over 400 hours of unlockables to obtain. The catch, however, is that you'll be unlocking the same gadgets multiple times in the course of your play, as each weapon needs to unlock its own red dot, Acog, etc. In any event, it still beats the short amount of time it took to unlock everything in Bad Company 2.

Odds are, most players will find that one weapon that clicks with them anyway, rendering everything else useless.

[via BF3blog]