Modern Warfare 3's Killstreak system really is unlike its predecessors

A while ago, I posted a blip mentioning Modern Warfare 3's Killstreak system will be unlike its predecessors. Well, this was cemented at Call of Duty XP this weekend with the reveal of the game's new Killstreak system.

Modern Warfare 3's Killstreak system really is unlike anything we've seen prior, with the system breaking down the Killstreaks into three classes called, "Strike Packages": Assault, Support, and Specialist.

As you'll see below, 'Assault' has the standard set of Modern Warfare Killstreaks. Here you'll find your typical UAVs, AC130s, Airstrikes, and so on. Oddly enough, Juggernaut is part of this list, and while it was annoying as a perk, we can only hope it will be a bit more balanced as an unlockable Killstreak.

'Support' brings an element to Call of Duty that may surprise, shock, and upset some of its players: teamwork. Yes, those who wish to actually help their comrades in battle will most likely opt for this Strike Package, as it contains turrets, EMPs, and counter-UAVs among other entities.

Lastly, there's the 'Specialist' Strike Package. Some may think this one should be nerfed a bit, because here you unlock an additional perk (yes, perk) with each kill you acquire. So, while you start out with the standard three perks from the get-go, garnering say, three kills in a row will land you three additional perks, equalling six in total. Once you die, however, your unlocks reset and you must start over. This package is quite unique, even more so with the fact that it's the only one where air support can't be called in.

Past the break is the complete list of Killstreaks straight from Call of Duty XP. Take it all in, and start deciding how you're going to play when Modern Warfare 3 drops this November.

Side note: Destructoid mentions one perk is missing from the 'Specialist' Strike Package.

  • UAV
  • Care Package
  • I.M.S.
  • Predator Missile
  • Sentry Gun
  • Precision Airstrike
  • Attack Helicopter
  • Strafe Run
  • little Bird Guard
  • Reaper
  • Assault Drone
  • AC130
  • Pave Low
  • Juggernaut
  • Osprey Gunner
  • UAV
  • Counter-UAV
  • Ballistic Vests
  • Airdrop Trap
  • Sam Turret
  • Recon Drone
  • Advanced UAV
  • Remote Turret
  • Stealth Bomber
  • EMP
  • Juggernaut Recon
  • Escort Airdrop
  • Recon pro
  • Sleight of Hand Pro
  • Blind Eye Pro
  • Scavenger Pro
  • Quickdraw Pro
  • Blast Shield Pro
  • Hardline Pro
  • Assassin Pro
  • Marksman Pro
  • Stalker Pro
  • Sitrep Pro
  • Steady Aim Pro
  • Dead Silence