The Last of Us is Naughty Dog's take on post-apocalypse, has Enslaved designer

Naughty Dog surprised virtually everyone at this year's VGAs with the reveal trailer for their newest game, The Last of Us--I mean, seeing as how they just finished up Uncharted 3 and all. A little later, news broke that Enslaved's lead designer, Mark Richard Davies, is also working on the project. 

The Last of Us is the studio's take on the post-apocalyptic realm, although this game more than any other before it has a heavy I Am Legend influence. It follows what appears to be a father and daughter fighting for survival amidst some sort of outbreak--possibly caused by the government, but who knows--and they just keep moving day and night in hopes of seeing the next sunrise. 

While I could be wrong, I'll still say that it seems fairly obvious that The Last of Us is going to be a two-player co-operative title, which, I think could work in this setting. Single-player would probably be the most fitting choice, again, like I Am Legend, but I guess Naughty Dog wanted to skip ahead to when Dr. Neville met Anna.