Late Borderlands fan eulogized by Gearbox Software, added as NPC in sequel

A Borderlands fanatic by the name of Carlo wrote Destructoid yesterday and shared the story of his late friend Michael John Mamaril. Michael, Carlo's partner-in-crime in Borderlands, passed away last month due to cancer at the age of 22, and in honor of him, Carlo messaged Borderlands developer Gearbox Software and asked if the team could give a eulogy for Michael read by the game's wacky mascot, Claptrap.

Well, Gearbox responded to Carlo, and not only did they give a sincere eulogy, but they are also going to add Michael as a non-playable character in Borderlands 2

Destructoid has the eulogy posted on their site, and the breaking point for myself when I heard it was when Claptrap slowly broke out of his cartoonish character, becoming more serious in tone as he went along, and eventually the voice actor--who I assume was Randy Pitchford--spoke normally. It shows how serious the team at Gearbox took the request, and I'm sure it made Carlo's day. 

Our hearts go out to you, Carlo.