600,000 ELITE subscriptions sold through GameStop

GameStop has sold close to 600,000 subscriptions to Call of Duty's new ELITE service to date, retailer president Tony Bartel said to Gamasutra. These sales are contributing to GameStop's digital sales front, which management says will exceed the company's internal expectation of $450 million for the current fiscal year.

"In the case of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, we worked closely with Activision, Sony and Microsoft to pre-order and deliver nearly 600,000 instances of the Modern Warfare ELITE DLC to date," said Bartel.

ELITE is now positioned as one of the company's top 10 launches of the year thus far.

Call of Duty ELITE is the series' new subscription-based social network, which for $50 per year grants players all of Modern Warfare 3's downloadable content and other goodies, though has been off to a shaky start so far.

Yesterday we learned that Modern Warfare 3 broke five-day sales records, garnering $775 million worldwide.

[Image via LA Times]