Sledgehammer's crosshair set on Modern Warfare 2

While EA and Battlefield 3 are aiming to take the FPS crown from the Call of Duty series this fall, Modern Warfare 3's Sledgehammer Games interjected and states they're more focused on living up to 2009's Modern Warfare 2. 

"So although [DICE/Battlefield 3] may be our competition, I actually view Modern Warfare 2 as the benchmark that I need to aim for," Sledgehammer's Glen Schofield stated to MCV.

"We have the pressure of living up to Modern Warfare 2. I would be kidding you if I said there was no pressure. We're working on the biggest game in the world. But there is also that adrenaline that kicks in when you are working on a game like this."

Living up to Modern Warfare 2 could be tough, but if there's any game that can live up to a Call of Duty game, it's Call of Duty