Update: Resistance 3 is Gold, day-one patch in the works

Amidst its multiplayer beta, Resistance 3 has gone Gold, further proving that console betas aren't actually betas, but more or less a glorified, and sometimes closed demo of the final product. Nonetheless, the game is currently being sent to manufacturers in order to make its intended September 7, 8, and 9 release dates.

A day-one patch for the game's multiplayer is also in the works, as Insomniac Community Manager James Stevenson announced on the EU PlayStation Blog.

Update: The US PlayStation Blog has announced that US copies of Resistance 3 will contain playable demos of Killzone 3, Motorstorm Apocalypse, and inFAMOUS 2, alongside trailers and developer diaries for Uncharted 3, Starhawk, God of War: Origins, and SOCOM 4. ...SOCOM 4??? Music videos and movie trailers will also be included.