[UPDATE] Get free OnLive copy of Deus Ex: Human Revolution with purchase of PC version

"Two-fers" are great...

This week's "Two-fer," purchase the PC retail version of Deus Ex: Human Revolution, get the OnLive version in the box along with it. First shown on OnLiveFans.com, the image above explains it all--you're not only getting your precious disc-based version of Deus Ex, but the ability to play said game anywhere, anytime, as long as you have internet speed from this decade.

[UPDATE] GameSpy reports GameStop employees were sent a memo to open and remove the free OnLive tokens, and then continue selling the opened product as "new." A GameStop representative commented on the situation, claiming Square Enix packed the free codes without giving the retailer "prior knowledge."

Way to go, GameStop. Way to go.