Attach multiple scopes in Modern Warfare 3

Modern Warfare 3 will feature foldable scopes, or, the option to add two different scopes on a weapon at one time, effectively allowing you to attack enemies both close and far. Infinity Ward's Creative Strategist--and regular Twitter user--Robert Bowling told OXM exactly how folding scopes work.

"Say you're picking guys in windows out long range in Manhattan, but then kick through a door and start clearing a building. You can now fold down your magnifying scope and already have a close-range optic on your gun--so now you're engaging guys close-target without having to change weapon."

Those who have keen eyes may have known about this during E3, as the "Black Tuesday" level stealthily showcased folding scopes.

Also revealed was the "Punisher," or an XM25 air burst grenade launcher complete with laser guidance--equally awesome.