Long Time TF2'ers don't take too Kindly to the F2P Accounts

While the news of Team Fortress 2 going Free-2-Play forever may have been exciting for some, others found it a potential mess. As a result, angry paid-account players have initiated a mod called "Free2BeKicked," a user-created plugin that allows the host to auto-kick anybody running the F2P version.

The mod was since posted on alliedmods.net, and those who have been affected by it have taken to the forums and demanded the mod be banned. Obviously, the paid-account players aren't taking too kindly to the requests.

There is a loophole, however. The mod won't kick anybody who has made a purchase within the game, so those F2P players out there who are concerned about this may want to consider picking up some new headgear. Or, you can just play on Valve's servers.
