Bodycount Ships this August, Trailer looks like Michael Bay: The Game

Bodycount, the pseudo-sequel to the cult-classic FPS Black has returned with a new trailer straight from E3. Now, either this was a closed doors showing beforehand or Codemasters is a few weeks too late--nonetheless, the trailer contains more explosions than you'll see in any blockbuster film this summer, but I'm not saying that in a bad way by any means. Just as I said with Earth Defense Force: Insect Armageddon, I admire games that have more fun with themselves as opposed to being strictly serious all the time; that's something the industry needs more of if you ask me.

In Bodycount, "everything is focused on the experience of squeezing the trigger, hearing bullets tear through the air and watching them obliterate the enemies and the environment," says Codemasters' Community Manager Benjamin Bateman.

Bodycount is scheduled to ship this August on the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3.

If you want to see obliteration in action, watch the explosive gameplay trailer after the break.