Red Dead Redemption's Pre-Order Bonuses Will Release as DLC This Week

Red Dead Redemption had quite a selection of pre-order bonuses when it released, with every store and retailer trying to get your dollar with their bonus goodies. If you picked up the game late, or, just never got the pre-order bonuses for whatever reason, Rockstar Games announced that this week every piece of RDR's pre-order bonuses will be available on the Xbox Live Marketplace and PlayStation Store.

Each piece of content will cost 80 MS Points ($.99) apiece, and will start appearing on each console's respective marketplace this coming Tuesday, April 12. Check below for an official description about each pre-order bonus.

  • The Deadly Assassin Outfit
    John Marston's Deadly Assassin outfit causes your Dead Eye meter to regenerate at twice the speed.  With more Dead Eye, you have more time to place each shot with total accuracy, making you the deadliest gunslinger in any fight.
  • The War Horse
    There are countless horses to be found in the massive world of Red Dead Redemption, but none is stronger, faster or tougher than the War Horse. Whether storming gang hideouts, exploring the wilderness for hidden treasure, or outrunning the law, the War Horse gives gunslingers an advantage in nearly every situation.
  • The Golden Guns Weapon Pack
    Available for use in the Red Dead Redemption Single Player story, the player who wields the Golden Guns receives more Fame for each kill.  The more Fame you get, the more in-game side missions become available.  So there will be more opportunities to duel, more kidnapped townsfolk to rescue and you can bribe lawmen for less.