Fortnite is Epic Games' latest

Last night, Epic Games revealed their latest title, Fortnite, which, as previously mentioned, is something radically different. Well, for the team, that is. From the brief glimpse shown, Fortnite is a tower-defense game where players need to stack up on supplies and defend themselves from, you guessed it, zombie-monster things. Or, at least they appear to be zombie-monster things.

The official description on Epic's YouTube channel depicts Fornite as "an expansive original world that invites players to be creative, resourceful and collaborative by day and defend their prized fortress by night..." While the concept may not be entirely too original, it sure looks great on the Unreal engine.

One cool concept shown was the whole handy-cam visual, bringing that Paranormal/Cloverfield/Blair Witch feeling. Hopefully, that remains a huge element in the full game. That would be cool. What's your take on Fortnite?