A whopper of a Battlefield 3 update available on PlayStation 3 today, soon on Xbox 360

PC gamers last week were graced with a substantial Battlefield 3 update which fixed and tweaked squad joining and spawning, weapon damage, vehicle rebalances, and shortened load times among a slew of other things.

Today, PlayStation 3 users will be able to download their own 700MB update, which fixes a majority of the same things contained in last week's patch, including the ability to spot explosives, protection when spawning in "Conquest," a ton of fixes to squad options and spawning in "Team Deathmatch," and more. 

If you wish to view the entire wall of text, you can scope out the laundry list of patch notes here. Otherwise, it will be rolling out on PlayStation 3s today (Xbox 360 sometime soon), so queue it up when available and enjoy the fixes.