New Rainbow 6: Patriots details emerge

Ubisoft today released new information regarding the next installment in the Rainbow 6 series, Rainbow 6: Patriots. For starters, you'll be taking the role of a brand new Rainbow member, and you and your elite squad will be aiming to take down "calculating figurehead" Tredway and his elite terrorist group known as the "True Patriots." Throughout the journey, you will need to make "tough ethical decisions" as you face critical situations. Basically, that sounds a lot like a morale system.

The boys in Rainbow have also put the last few years of rest to good use, as they can now utilize new techniques, such as a wall or ceiling breach, infiltrate and subdue, and the oddly-named "Aussie Style Rappel." Seriously, if you have any idea on what that could be, I'd love to know.

The new scanning features will allow Rainbow to throughly investigate situations, and read thermal views of the environment to determine the best course of action.

Patriots' campaign will have you experience events from multiple viewpoints, further adding to the narrative, and when you finish the fight in single-player, you can check out the new and "innovative" co-operative and mulitplayer suites. 

Quite possibly the most intriguing aspect to the wealth of new information on Patriots is the "Sandtable," a holographic display of the map shown in the pre-game mulitplayer lobby that will allow you to familiarize yourself with the map before play, and also co-ordinate tactics with your team. 

After last seeing team Rainbow back in 2008, and learning of Patriots' new features, I for one can't wait to see what Ubisoft has cooked up with the series, as it's been a long, long time since I've twirled my finger to have my team regroup on my six.