The new multiplayer characters from Gears of War 3's "RAAM's Shadow" DLC

Although the "RAAM's Shadow" downloadable add-on for Gears of War 3 isn't due out until December 13, one gamer quickly snapped a few photos of the six new multiplayer characters--who are Theron Elite, Tai Kaliso, Minh Young Kim, Michael Barrick, General RAAM, and Alicia Valera.

They were seen through the character select screen in Gears 3's multiplayer menu, and when attempting to buy the content the price comes up as -1 Microsoft Point, ultimately leading to an error screen.

"RAAM's Shadow" will also offer a three-hour prequel campaign set after Emergence Day, and the "Chocolate Weapon Set" for multiplayer, all at a $15 price-tag. Season pass owners will get the content for free.