Metacritic user-reviews trash Modern Warfare 3

Now, we may not all be infatuated with the Call of Duty series, but some people really, really hate it, and they've taken to the Metacritic user-reviews to express said hatred for the series, with Modern Warfare 3 in particular. 

While the critics have garnered Modern Warfare 3 a 90 Metacritic score, the user-reviews have trumped it down to a 2.7--which is actually lower than this morning's 2.8

To be fair, there are a few worthwhile user reviews that aren't favorable toward Modern Warfare 3, and that's perfectly fine. We are, after all, entitled to our own opinions. However, some reviews just seem a bit...childish, and quite funny at that, so if you've got a few minutes to spare you may find some humor in what the public is saying

What are your thoughts on Modern Warfare 3? Is it really the same as many argue?