Gears of War 3's on-disc DLC explained

The release of Gears of War 3's first downloadable add-on this week didn't only come with cries of joy--it also came with actual cries and questioning.

After seeing the download size for the "Horde Command Pack" was a mere 1.42MB, consumers realized that they were actually paying for content that was already on Gears 3's disc, and the pack's $10 price-tag was only to unlock it.

Epic Games' Rod Fergusson spoke to Kotaku about the situation, and stated that with Gears of War 3's release date changing from the spring to fall, the team had already completed the first piece of DLC, and instead of making gamers download a huge file, they incorporated it into some of the disc's free space.

"We felt it was a win/win," Fergusson stated, "because no one is going to have to download anything huge when the DLC comes out." 

Fergusson also doesn't feel that gamers were cheated out of the "Horde Command Pack's" $10 unlock key, given the amount of praise reviewers gave Gears of War 3 for the amount of content it already provides.

Future add-ons, like the upcoming "RAAM's Shadow," aren't on the disc, and you'll have to download them in their entirety.