Clan support and tournaments headed to Brink

A new update for Brink is in the final stages of testing, and when it releases across all platforms it will bring full clan support and tournament "Event Ladders," the Bethblog revealed today.

Once the update rolls out, a beta site for the new features will accompany it, which is said to contain "several new sections and shiny new functionality."

Clan creation will occur right on the Brink website, and once it's all registered a dedicated profile page will be available where you can view your clan's stats and invite others to join. You can also manage the roles of each member.

Clan matches will play out in 5v5 games, with the winning team increasing in rank and the losing team suffering a decrease. Additionally, you can register your clan in the more prestigious tournament "Event Ladders," and if you make it all the way to the end you will net your clan a trophy to display on its profile page.

If you're interested in the new features, be sure to create a Brink website account so your team is ready when the update becomes available.