We recently reported that the second disc of the Xbox 360's version of Battlefield 3--yes, there are two discs--contains install content to provide better textures and allows you to stream the information straight from the hard drive. This isn't mandatory, so those without a hard drive can still play Battlefield 3, but it will just be of "standard def" quality, DICE's Patrick Bach told GamerZines.
Installing Battlefield 3 on the Xbox 360 comes highly recommended, as it brings the game up to par with its PC and PlayStation 3 brethren.
"It does make a difference, yes, absolutely," Bach stated. "The whole engine is based around streaming textures, streaming terrain and a lot of other content."
"The thing with the 360 is that you need to be able to give consumers a game where you don't have to install it on a hard drive, because there are 360s without a hard drive. So we need to give you the option of installing it, rather than just demanding it. You could call it a 'standard-def' version for the 360 if you don't have a hard drive."
Bach is unsure how much space will be required to install Battlefield 3, though if you have a hard drive, it's probably best to clear some space.