A different set of Battlefield 3 fundamentals

With the Battlefield 3 beta demo being live now, people all over are getting their hands on one of this year's biggest shooters. A lot of people are returning to the series, while others are green on the frontlines, and may not know what to expect. The official Battlefield 3 blog did a great job breaking down some of the known fundamentals to succeeding in Battlefield 3, but here are some other tips that I feel have not been given the recognition they deserve.

  • The D-pad is your best ally- Get to know the directional pad on your console's controller, because you'll be using it for your entire tour of duty in Battlefield 3. Pressing both left and right on the pad will bring out your class' unique abilities. For instance, pressing left with the Assault class will bring out your medkit, which offers the ability to heal both yourself and your team, while pressing right will bring out the defibrillator (once unlocked). You can see your class' unique items in the loadout menu, and remembering to use them to their full potential is a vital part to winning the game.
  • Switch your firing mode- Going back to the directional pad, pressing down plays a huge role in any firefight, as it toggles between your weapon's firing modes--full auto, burst shot, single shot. Knowing when to use which mode will help you become a better player, and also help you stay alive that much longer. If you do use full-auto mode, remember to be light on the trigger for improved accuracy.
  • Don't forget to tag your enemies!- Tagging is a must in Battlefield 3. Aiming at an enemy and pressing the select button will mark, or tag an enemy with a red icon over his head, allowing the rest of your team to see exactly where he is. If you know the position of a pesky sniper, or someone making a run toward the objective, mark him and let your team know ASAP.
  • Don't disregard pistols- Contrary to what you've seen in other shooters, pistols in Battlefield 3 are very, very deadly, and are quite capable of taking out multiple enemies in one clip. Don't live under the impression that these sidearms are just there for show--if you run out of ammo in your primary slot during a firefight, switch weapons at once! The results may surprise you.

Have any other tips? Post them down in the comments and help out your brothers in arms.