Resistance 3 matchmaking update out tomorrow, hopefully

As we've recently posted, matchmaking in the Resistance 3 beta has gone down the crapper, with private sessions being the only way to play Insomniac Games' latest. Hopefully, that all changes tomorrow, as the studio has sent Update 2.01 to Sony for final testing, which is said to address the matchmaking issues along with a few crashes.

The plan is to have the update available by tomorrow night UK time, which would allow EU PlayStation Plus subscribers the ability to join matchmaking on their first day of access.

In addition to this, there is also a "larger Day 1 Patch" being worked on for the final game. This will hopefully fix any and all other problematic entities, such as annoying freezes and crashes, hosting issues, lag, and "The Invisible Man Glitch," an issue where Insomniac Games is even offering a bounty to help eradicate it. If you can perform the glitch consistently and help the studio out, you'll receive an autographed copy of Resistance 3 and "other swag."

You can read more on the Resistance 3 beta, including the latest on its stat progression, on Insomniac's official website. Here's a hint--stats go down tomorrow.