id: Why RAGE strays away from "cookie cutter" multiplayer

Some of you new-aged gamers may not be aware of this, but id Software (Doom, Quake) created the term "deathmatch," not the Halo and Call of Duty titles of today. So, it may be a bit odd that id's next venture into multiplayer with RAGE strays away from both the norm of shooters, and what the team themselves created.

Speaking with CVG, creative director Tim Willits commented on RAGE's multiplayer component, stating the team didn't want to follow the same "cookie cutter" formula that everybody else reverts to, although deathmatch is "something that we invented." Instead of your "standard on-foot deathmatch" offerings, RAGE features vehicular-racing multiplayer combat, as well as "Legends of the Wasteland," bonus missions which can be played co-operatively.

"We feel the vehicle aspect of it is a lot of fun to drive," says Willits, "to shoot guys, to fight, so we wanted to let people do that with their friends."

Kudos to id for providing the genre something different than what the aforementioned annual franchises shove out. Honestly, we have enough outlets in which to play deathmatch.