Finally! We'll see more of Hawken at PAX

Man, I am so stoked for Adhesive Games' mech-shooter, Hawken. I mean, has there ever been a more awesome looking mech game before? Okay, I'll calm down a bit, but for those who are like me and can't wait to see more of this indie-developers' first game, the team announced on Twitter that a new trailer will be shown at PAX during the PC Gamer presentation.

It'll be interesting to see what Adhesive has been up to for the past few months, and hopefully, just hopefully we'll hear that Hawken will also come to consoles at some point. Highly unlikely, I know, seeing as how the trailer will be shown at a PC presentation--Keyword there being "PC" which contains the keyword "computer."

...believe me...I know.

Be sure to check out our interview with Adhesive Games about their mech-based shooter.