Doom 4 Update from QuakeCon 2011

While Rage is appropriately all the rage at this year's QuakeCon--seeing as how it comes out in a few months--people are beginning to still wondering where id Software's other heavy hitting title, Doom 4, has been all these years. Announced back in 2008, we haven't even had a little morsel to whet our appetites yet, and id Software president Todd Hollenshead says we still have some waiting to do.

"id Tech 5 is the basis for Doom 4, and I guess infer what you will...," says Hollenshead. "What we're really focused on is getting Rage out the door. Once we're to that point, then we want to transition to how we're going to present Doom 4, what are the talking points, how do we introduce it. Because that stuff hasn't even been determined yet. We're talking about that internally."

Hollenshead ended the topic stating, "I know everybody's interested. I am too."

Guess we still have quite a bit of waiting ahead of us, hm?