Civilians are off limits in Battlefield 3

"No Russian"-Modern Warfare 2

Speaking to RockPaperShotgun, DICE's Patrick Bach explained the studio is aiming to present a more mature product with Battlefield 3, and removed the ability to shoot helpless civilians. Justifying the reason further, Bach added that, when presented with the coice between good and evil, people will always "go dark side--because people think it's cool to be naughty, they won't be caught."

"Me personally, I'm trying to stay away from civilians in games like Battlefield because I think people will do bad. I don't want to see videos on the internet where people shoot civilians. That's something I will sanitize by removing that feature from the game."

Best of all, Bach clearly explained that the word "mature" does not necessarily mean "gore," and that it's childish "to want more blood." Well said, Bach. Well said.