Battlefield 3 may use Online Pass system; Meant to pay for server space

Patrick Bach, DICE's Executive Producer, noted that Battlefield 3 may utilize EA's Online Pass system--a system where players input a single-use code included in every [new] copy of a game in order to play online. As with past games, those who buy Battlefield 3 used would have to pay a little extra in order to play online.

Bach explained that, in the end, this all goes towards paying for server space. "The whole idea is that we're paying for servers...," Bach states, "we don't get a single dime from a used game, but we still need to create server space and everything for you."

Bach hopes people understand that the whole Pass system is not intended "to punish people," but rather, it's "compensation."

Realistically, I can understand where DICE is coming from. Server space, and good space at that, doesn't come cheap. We'll see if others agree when Battlefield 3 releases this October.