Amazon no longer bundling Resistance 3 with PlayStation 3DTVs...but GameStop is

I must admit, although I already own a pretty good HDTV, I was a bit intrigued with the PlayStation 3DTV Sony announced at this year's E3--and I'm not even that big o' fan of the whole 3D gimmick! What practically sealed the deal, on my behalf, anyway, was the fact that Resistance 3 was bundled into the television's package. Well, after only a couple of months there have been some changes...

Confirmed via Twitter by Insomniac Games, Motorstorm: Apocalypse has replaced the alien-filled shooter as the 3DTV's bundled title, which also supports the television's ability to have simultaneous full-screen-split-screen viewing. As of now, there was no reason given as to why the ol' switcheroo was done. Insomniac did, however, apologize for "any inconvenience."

If you still want to get Resistance 3 with your brand new PlayStation 3DTV, though, GameStop is taking it to the man and bundling it along with Motorstorm: Apocalypse, giving consumers two games and the television for a $499.99 price-tag.

We'll see how long it takes for other outlets to follow suit.

[via Amazon, TwitterJoystiq]