Modern Warfare 3 Multiplayer Harkens back to Call of Duty 4; Less Emphasis on Air Support, more "Gun-on-Gun Gameplay"

Screen of Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare multiplayer
This week in New York City, Infinity Ward's Creative Strategist Robert Bowling revealed some interesting information to Kotaku regarding the multiplayer gameplay of Modern Warfare 3. In short, Mr. Bowling proclaimed that Modern Warfare 3's multiplayer will feel more like 2007's Call of Duty 4, and less like 2009's Modern Warfare 2.

Yeah, I think we can all agree that's a good thing.

There will be less reliance on camping in Modern Warfare 3, as the developers are hard at work constructing maps that only contain around five or so "hotspots"--places on the map where players can either hide or shoot from. Bowling stated that an emphasis on this idea makes it so the "less skilled player" has less to think or worry about on the battlefield. A downplay on hiding spots on the map also de-emphasizes the camping mentality that was heavily portrayed in Modern Warfare 2. Tactical Nuke, anyone?

Verticality, another mechanic found in Modern Warfare 2's multiplayer, will also be lessened, adding yet another bullet-point to Robert Bowling's theory that Modern Warfare 3 will play out more like the fan-favorite Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare.

Modern Warfare 3 is "building up from that Call of Duty 4 mentality of gun-on-gun, fast-paced infantry gameplay," Bowling stated, a clear adverse to the killstreak-heavy Modern Warfare 2.

Bowling also went on to say the following:
"How you play team deathmatch is all about your sightlines, your viewpoints—like I said, the hotspots. I'm coming around the corner. I don't want to have to worry about being shot from 50 different angles. I want to be able to know, 'OK, I cleared the top floor, I cleared the second floor, I cleared the base, I'm good in this area. OK, now I'm coming through this doorway, I have to watch this doorway, this alleyway and this spot.' And then, when you're playing objective [matches], you need to be able to know the routes and break them down in your head as you play the areas. Like Search and Destroy... I know I've cleared this area. There's no way this guy can get there..."
Map design will ultimately boil down to simplicity, and "what's necessary."

While we still have to wait until November 8 to get our hands on Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, Infinity Ward will make its official unveiling of the game's multiplayer at this year's Call of Duty XP event in September. Hopefully, everything Robert Bowling has said will come to fruition in the final product.