Modern Warfare 3 Being Tested by Glitchers at mapMonkeys

Some of the dudes over at mapMonkeys, a website known for sharing glitches, exploits and the like, are currently in the middle of playing Modern Warfare 3. The reason? To find and report said glitches, exploits and the like to Infinity Ward, and contribute to the building of the next multiplayer hit.

This isn't the first time founder Rezzo and mapMonkeys have lent their talent towards the development of a Call of Duty game, however. They've also tested World at War and Modern Warfare 2, but they were only given a few days to do so which, according to Rezzo, "wasn't nearly enough time."

All I can say is I hope the crew at mapMonkeys finds [at least] enough to ensure a glitch-free launch window for Modern Warfare 3. I'm not going to be too unrealistic and hope they find everything imaginable, because, that's just...unrealistic