Rumor: TimeSplitters 4 on Next Generation Consoles

According to a "high ranking industry source at Crytek", Microsoft will be announcing its newest console, which is said to be able to run DirectX 11, within the next 12 months...presumably at next year's E3 convention. Oh, and apparently Crytek UK--consisting of the former Free Radical Design dudes--are hard at work making the long-awaited TimeSplitters 4 for said next-generation console which runs on the CryEngine 3.

TimeSplitters 4 is said to focus on the series' element of "branching paths and exploratory nature."

This all comes from a Crysis 2 developer over at Crytek, so it could be rather true. There is no concrete evidence on the matter, however, so we'll just keep this one in the rumor mill for now.