A Quick Gears of War 3 Beta Boot Camp

The Gears of War 3 beta kicked off today for code winners and Bulletstorm owners. However, there are a ton of people still unable to play the Gears 3 beta until next week when GameStop pre-order codes are eligible. To those people, and even some current players who are unsure about certain things, hopefully the following post will give you a head's up for your Gears 3 beta outings.

This gun, that gun. This gun, that gun. 
When you first start up the Gears of War 3 beta you are prompted to enter your customized multiplayer loadout. This includes what character you would like to play and what weapons you would like to start with in each match. However, if you feel the need to switch things up a bit you can do so during the Battle Camera phase of respawning. Pressing 'A' will bring up a d-pad icon with a weapon on each side: one for the left weapon and one for the right. Pressing any direction will allow you to cycle through the available weapons and pick to your liking.

Chainsaws are nifty, but isn't that Retro Lancer charge just godly? I think so, and it actually took me a few rounds to figure out how to perform the weapon's bayonet charge.

Holding down the 'B' button will cause your character to perform the series' famous "Roadie Run". The difference here is that once you make contact with an enemy you will then impale them and lift them in the air. Gruesome and embarrassing for sure.

First-Person Gears?!
Gears of War 3 is a third-person shooter at heart, but that doesn't mean it can't take inspiration from other games on the market. Enter the newly designed Locust assault rifle, the Hammerburst. While unfortunately still a single-shot weapon, the Hammerburst comes with the ability to aim down its sights for a first-person perspective, which in turn provides more accurate shots.

While aiming with the Hammerburst click in the right thumbstick to enter the ADS view. A couple of well placed shots will bring enemies to their knees...fast.

Reticle Bloom Applies
Although you should undoubtedly keep track of your shooting, especially with assault rifles, the Retro Lancer definitely takes some patience to utilize. A solid couple of seconds will cause the Retro Lancer's crosshair to expand tremendously, hence making shots go everywhere. Be sure to keep track of how long you hold the trigger down, because patience is a virtue...and will also keep you alive!

Find Your Team...and Gear!
Happen to find yourself alone on the frontlines? Need to know where you can find the Torque-Bow? Have no fear, because holding down the select (or back) button on the controller and then pressing 'B' will bring up an overhead map of the current play field, similar to the one found in Monday Night Combat.

Using the overhead map will prove to be a priceless asset, because it will help you plan your tactics accordingly.

Rainbow Six Gears
Let a baddie get away from you? No biggie, go Rainbow Six on their ass and mark them as a target for the rest of your team. Simply click in the left thumbstick while aiming at them to give them a bounty for the rest of your team.

Rifles Are Helpful 
Gears of War 2 tried to make assault rifles more effective but still didn't get it quite right. Not so in Gears 3, because Lancers and Hammerbursts will bring enemies to their knees fast! Don't get caught in the middle of nowhere, or, trying to shotgun-roll somebody; chances are...it won't work.