The Last of Us shooting for release next year

A piece in USA Today [via TVGB] reveals that Naughty Dog is aiming for a late 2012/early 2013 release for their recently announced survival game, The Last of Us.

The studio's co-founder, Christopher Balestra, also talked about video games in general, and how the term "video game" is no longer an accurate title in this day and age.

"We're trying to move the medium of video games into an area elevated in the same manner of respect of film. We want to redefine what our medium is even called. 'Video game' is not an accurate name anymore. It is not necessarily a game with rules and a winner and a loser. It's an experience."

Many studios tried to blur the line between cinema and video games in the past, and some, like Naughty Dog and their Uncharted series, have achieved that goal in the eyes of many. I guess if any studio can redefine the term 'video game,' it's Naughty Dog.