Unit 13, Zipper Interactive's new shooter, arriving within Vita's launch window

Zipper Interactive announced today that their latest shooter, Unit 13, built from the ground up for the PlayStation Vita, will be launching inside the new device's launch window.

Unit 13 is a "fast-action, hard hitting" shooter that utilizes the Vita's dual analog sticks, and is packed with  36 missions spread across 9 locales, ranging from bite-sized chunks of gameplay to the more multi-layered missions. If you're feeling lucky, you can test your luck against HVTs, or High Value Targets, and upon completion you can share your success with nearby friends with the Vita's "NEAR" feature.

Wi-Fi and 3G functionality are also featured in the game, which consists of a live notification interface that keeps you up to speed on leaderboard rankings, new unlocks, "Daily Challenges," and the status of your friends. You can even play co-op and aim for the top spot on multiple leaderboards.

Judging from the first few screens, Unit 13 definitely looks like a title that those interested in a Vita should keep their eyes on. What do you think?