Black Ops developer apologizes for "Second Chance" perk, Pro perk requirements

Treyarch's game design director David Vonderhaar has some regrets about a few mechanics incorporated into last year's Call of Duty: Black Ops multiplayer, and Sticktwiddlers spotted a few of his apologetic tweets.

At the forefront, Vonderhaar admitted that the "Second Chance" perk, which allows players to pull out a pistol upon death, and perhaps even be revived by teammates, wasn't the best addition to the game, and compared his feelings to it to his Twitter avatar, which showed a Black Ops character model aiming a gun to his head.

"See that gun to my head in my pic?" he asked. "That's how I feel about 2nd Chance. We meant well. I fucked up. Enough spam. Goodnight. <3 U moar."

He also apologizes to the community for a challenge requiring players to capture flags to unlock a "Pro" version of a perk, dubbing it "another bad idea." 

While it may be a bit too late for any of the apologies to have an effect on the game itself, it's always good to see developers admitting their faults. Kudos, Dave.

[Image via PC Gamer]