[Review] FPS Freek EPIC

When it comes to online shooters, people try to obtain every advantage they can in order to have an edge over their opponents. Headsets are perhaps the most sought after product in this case, as having a rugged headset will allow players to hear, with precision, an enemy's footsteps, and in some games, even their breathing.

Kontrol Freek is adding another tactical advantage to the online shooter market with their FPS Freek controller attachment--a pair of analog nub extensions that are designed to provide extra comfort and more precise maneuverability through a wide variety of games.

FPS Freeks have been on the market for a while now, and the latest of the lot was designed specifically with Gears of War 3 in mind. Dubbed, "FPS Freek EPIC," these crimson-colored nubs also sport Gears' skull omen right in the center, reminding you that you are indeed fighting the good fight for the COG.

Aesthetics aside, the FPS Freek EPIC offers a much more comfortable, much more satisfying feel when handling either an Xbox 360 or PlayStation 3 controller--yes, they're compatible on both controllers. You simply pop the two nubs on and you're good to go.

The added length to the respective analog nubs  administers  more free-flowing combat as you constantly move the sticks from side to side, and the concave form reduces strain on your thumbs.

In fact, going back to a standard controller felt more constricted, more sluggish, if you will, when trying to perform various techniques. Oddly enough, the sticks also felt lighter with the FPS Freek EPIC attachments on as opposed to playing with them off.

The EPIC's thick rubber also ensures that, no matter how sweaty your mits get, even in the toughest of battles, you'll never perform a sloppy move in-game due to moisture-filled nubs. Couple that with the aforementioned raised skull omen, and you've got yourself a hefty grip.

Aside from Gears of War 3, the FPS Freek EPIC also works for a wide variety of other popular shooters. As with Gears of War 3, I felt a drastic difference when playing the Battlefield 3 open beta with the EPIC. Being the fast-paced game that Battlefield 3 is, I was able to pull off headshots easier, follow my targets more smoothly, and control my recoil a lot more fluently with the EPIC than I had ever done prior. It was a bit awkward on the PlayStation side, though, since the "Select" button is a huge asset to the game, and the added length to the sticks made it quite difficult to access the button easily. Still, there was improvement found. 

Oh, and don't worry, tournament players, these are completely legal.

The FPS Freek EPIC undeniably provides a more tactile feel on the controller, and allows for an easier, more comfortable gaming session. The science in the added analog nub length providing a more accurate shot certainly holds true. However, don't mistake these to be miracle workers, and that your shoddy sniping aim will be alleviated instantly. Think of them more like an enhancement as opposed to a remedy. Basically, they won't fix your shaky hands, and you should probably let someone else pick up the sniper rifle next time, bucko.

This product is more or less targeted at the more diehard players of a series, whatever it may be, but won't provide such a distinct "edge" that casual players will be at a disadvantage. Still, I can't see myself playing any shooter without these babies, and will without a doubt have them with me on the front lines of Sera and Battlefield 3 alike. 

The FPS Freek EPIC can be purchased for $13.99 on Kontrol Freek, along with their other FPS products.