Gears of War 3's first downloadable content, "Horde Command Pack," releases on November 1 for 800 Microsoft Points. Players who previously purchased Gears' season pass can download the add-on when it's available without additional charges.
"Horde Command Pack" features three new maps, three playable characters (say hi to Big Rig Dizzy, Onyx Guard, and Bernie in the picture the above), two new weapon skins, and as the post's title suggests... new fortification upgrades. Command centers can call in sniper, mortar, and even Hammer of Dawn support. Decoys upgrades provide active Onyx Guards. Sentry upgrades increase firepower. Silverback upgrades reduce repair costs and enhance rockets. All of this is also available in Beast mode and privately hosted versus matches.
Gear up with the new goodies, sit on the front porch, and blow up some grubs.