Gearbox asks whats you want to see in the Borderlands 2 Collectors Edition

There couldn't be any more hype for Borderlands 2 at this point. First of all, the game is finally announced, something we've all been waiting for. Second, there's been A LOT (okay, a nice chunk) of coverage and news for it, getting us even more hyped. Lastly, those who attended Gearbox Software's PAX panel were actually given the game for free, thus causing a hype bonanza the likes of which we've never seen. 

Well, Gearbox Software is asking gamers worldwide to concentrate that hype into great ideas--ideas that may eventually land in the Borderlands 2 Collectors Edition. If you've got a suggestion that you deem worthy of said collectors edition, tweet it to Gearbox! Maybe, just maybe it will be that special suggestion that lands in the hands of every Borderlands 2 Collectors Edition consumer.