SOCOM 4's Open Beta Schedule: April 6-13

I decided to keep the tradition going and post the SOCOM 4 weekly schedule a day late. Why? I dunno. I accidentally did it for the past two weeks and decided to just run with it this time. So, without further adieu, here's what you can expect to play during this week's SOCOM 4 game schedule:

  • Tuesday (4/5) – Last Defense, Classic Last Defense, Uplink, Classic Uplink
  • Wednesday (4/6) – Bomb Squad, Classic Bomb Squad, Last Defense, Classic Last Defense
  • Thursday (4/7) – Sniper Alley (Custom), Last Defense Run ‘n Gun (Custom), Bomb Squad, Classic Bomb Squad
  • Friday (4/8) – All Gametypes Open
  • Saturday (4/9) – All Gametypes Open
  • Sunday (4/10) – All Gametypes Open
  • Monday (4/11) – All Gametypes Open
  • Tuesday (4/12) – All Gametypes Open
  • Wednesday (4/13) – All Gametypes Open

For more information, including the description of each mode (which we've detailed before), hit up the PlayStation Blog